GESMATIK – Your company’s Smart First Aid Kit
Those who know and choose to incorporate industrial vending solutions into their companies, usually do so looking for time and expense savings in the management of work materials (PPE, office supplies, clothing, tools…). However, perhaps they do not imagine that PPE vending machines and lockers can be converted into an advanced SMART FIRST AID KIT. GESMATIK offers, within its catalogue of auxiliary products, first aid kits ready to be dispensed through vending machines and designed to treat small accidents in the work environment. We offer, within our catalog, 3 types of emergency kits: for the treatment of cuts, small burns and blows. Usually, these are products that are found in a company medicine cabinet, with free access, whose effective control is complicated. The question that all occupational health and safety (OHS) managers ask themselves is: Why is my company’s medicine cabinet empty and yet I am not aware of any accident? Complementing the company’s first aid kit with the treatment kits dispensed through the GESMATIK industrial vending system has 3 great advantages for the company:
- 24/7 kit access.
- Savings in time devoted to medical services: when it is a small cut or burn that does not require the intervention of the company’s medical staff.
- Information for OHS services about who has taken a Kit, so that they can know who has had a small accident. At present, this information on small accidents within the industrial environment is not recorded.
GESMATIK thus becomes a valuable ally of the company’s Occupational Health and Safety. How does GESMATIK help my company? Through GESMATIK it is possible to make these emergency kits available to workers, in single-use presentations, with everything necessary for the self-healing of small wounds. This is an ideal solution, which helps and facilitates the work of OHS managers, since among their responsibilities are:
– Buy the necessary products for the first aid kit: make sure that there is always the necessary material, the machine warns when the cure kits are running out.
– Ensure the conditions for making the first aid kit available: close to where the accident occurs and, at the same time, in a suitable hygienic environment.
– Ensure the proper use of the first aid kit material, only by those workers who need it: the cure kit is issued after registration of the worker. Gesmatik discourages the improper use of the materials of the first aid kit, which companies so often report, when the first aid kit is freely accessible.
– Efficient management of materials: the truth is that first-aid kit items “disappear” by boxes, by cans: whole bottles of “betadine”, complete rolls of bandages, boxes of bandages, the presentation unit of these products, is usually larger than that necessary for the treatment of the accident, which does not encourage their good use either.
– Take corrective measures for an increasingly safe workplace: Medical services in most cases do not provide service 24 hours a day, so all small accidents and cures that occur at times when they are not there, are not recorded.
With GESMATIK your company automatically gets information regarding all the small cuts, burns, etc., small accidents at work that have required the use of a kit. Knowing the circumstances in which they have occurred is the first step that will allow actions to be taken to improve safety so that they do not occur again. How does it work? The procedure is very simple: The GESMATIK dressing kits are located inside the GESMATIK machine together with the other working materials. The worker who has suffered a cut approaches his industrial vending machine, usually located near his workstation, identifies himself, selects the product and the machine provides him with the selected cure kit. The kit is a small bag, where you can find everything you need, perfectly sterilized, to perform a cure: a single dose of betadine, a piece of cut bandage, tape, band-aid, single doses of burn cream, etc… The Gesmatik software reports the consumption of the different materials, so the Head of Prevention and Occupational Health can periodically check who the users of the kits have been, and approach these workers to inquire about the reasons for the accidents, ensuring safety in these jobs. Unfortunately, one of the best tools to prevent accidents is to know how an accident occurs and put the solution when it has already happened. Gesmatik gives us the information of those small accidents that we did not have until now, thus helping us to prevent major accidents.
Where can I get them?
You can place your orders directly with our company. GESMATIK is your ally in accident prevention. Do you want to know more about our Dressing Kits, for cuts, burns and blows? Contact us.